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Heartsong İlahi Sözleri

Heartsong Sözleri – Heartsong İlahisini Dinle – Heartsong İlahi Sözleri

Talib Al-Habib kaleminden yazılan Heartsong ilahisinin sözlerisini sizler için aşağıda derledik. Heartsong İlahisinin Sözlerine aşağıdan erişebilirsiniz.

Heartsong Sözleri – Heartsong İlahinin Sözleri


la illaha illallahu
wa Allahu akber

la illaha illallahu
wa Allahu akber

Hear now my heartsong
my heart calls to you
that you guide me, My lord
Through my soul’s long dark night

send my heart across the empty silence
To you,may you fill me with peace and light
lost in an ocean of doubt and confusion
and I’am seeking your budding beacon light
strengthen my hand and my heart when i faluter
for i cannot weaken if you are with me

la illaha illallahu
wa Allahu akber

Thurst me on fourth in this path that i wonder
the way of the heart is a long and hard
send me a light and a lantern to guide me
this world weary traveller is yearning for hope
yet still i stumble everoft a wondering soul among the lost
searching for the way that leads back to you
would that i had the wings of Gabriel to ban me aloft to the lords of the throne

la illaha illallahu
wa Allahu akber

la illaha illallahu
wa Allahu akber

Oh,How Blessed,how blessed,
are those who have found you
their heart contemplating the light of your love
so let this be the prayer of traveller who yearns to you
Oh lord, guide me gently to my journey’s end

la illaha illallahu
wa Allahu akber

Hear now my heartsong
my heart calls to you
that you guide me, My lord
Through my soul’s long dark night

send my heart across the empty silence
To you,may you fill me with peace and light
lost in an ocean of doubt and confusion
and I’am seeking your budding beacon light

la illaha illallahu
wa Allahu akber

Talib Al-Habib

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